English 4 - Quarter 4

Everyone has equity here. What you choose to do with the opportunities provided for you will be either a consequence or source. Remember, the choice is all yours!

Assignment & Task Calendar

Week 35: May 6 - 10 Click Here →


Monday, 25 September

Tuesday, 26 September

Wednesday, 27 September

Thursday, 28 September

Friday, 29 September

Weekly Agenda


#71 - Bell Work

#71 - Bell Work

Quote of the Week

"A high school diploma is not the finish line! This is only the beginning. The finish line for this life is your deathbed. Until that moment arrives, keep achieving. Keep seeking the moments that take your breath away. Keep loving everything: the life you made for yourself, the people you choose to surround yourself with, and anything you choose to do. We are usually consumed by what others think of us. This is why we are frightened to do certain things in our lives such as public speaking, but the real fright should come from what we think of ourselves. Whether or not we are truly happy with the life we created for ourselves. Always remember these two things: anything in life worth doing is worth overdoing and moderation is for cowards! You define worth and moderation but be prepared to reap the rewards or suffer the consequences for your choices!"

Cisco Matherne

Week 36: May 13 - 17 Click Here →


Monday, 2 October

Tuesday, 3 October

Wednesday, 4 October

Thursday, 5 October

Friday, 6 October

Quote of the Week



Weekly Agenda


We will 

I will 

Essential Question





# - Bell Work

# - 

Week 37: May 20 - 24 Click Here →


Monday, 2 October

Tuesday, 3 October

Wednesday, 4 October

Thursday, 5 October

Friday, 6 October

Quote of the Week



Weekly Agenda


We will 

I will 

Essential Question





# - Bell Work

# - 

Summer Time! 

Week 28: March 18 - 22 Click Here →

Daily Lessons

Monday, March 18

Tuesday, March 19

Wednesday, March 20

Thursday, March 21

Friday, March 22


Quote of the Week

"In this world you will have trouble, but take heart I have overcome the world."

John 16:33

Weekly Agenda


We will determine which strategies are best to comprehend a specific text/oral communication.

I will interact with texts in a variety of meaningful ways to enhance understanding and comprehension.

Essential Question

How do I understand what I read/hear?

What practices/skills help me understand text/oral communication?

How do I determine which strategies are best to comprehend a specific text/oral communication? 


The digital/multimodal informational text options include: podcast, TEDtalk, or vlog


#57 - Bell Work

#58 - Multimodal Comprehension & Response

#57 Bell Work
#58 - Multimodal Compreshension & Response

Week 29: March 25 - 29 Click Here →

Daily Lessons

Monday, March 25

Tuesday, March 26

Wednesday, March 27

Thursday, March 28

Friday, March 29


Quote of the Week

"The professional has learned that success, like happiness, comes as a by-product of work. The professional concentrates on the work and allows rewards to come or not come, whatever they like." 

Steven Pressfield

Weekly Agenda


We will deconstruct the various components and requirements for a well developed cover letter and resume.

I will create two cover letters and resumes: one, for when I graduate high school and two, when I graduate college / technical school. 

Essential Question

How does one create an eye catching, effective cover letter and resume that will surely land you the job you want. 


Purdue owl cover letter and resume


#59 - Bell Work

#60 - Resume #1 and #2

Copy of Copy of Template #?? E4 Bell Work: Date ???
Copy of Copy of Template #?? - Title

Week 30: April 1 - 5 Click Here →


Monday, 21 August

Tuesday, 22 August

Wednesday, 23 August

Thursday, 24 August

Friday, 25 August

Quote of the Week

"A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.

Dave Ramsey

Weekly Agenda


We will review budget expectations based on expected salary.

I will create a budget based on my monthly and yearly salary which will include all expenses. 

Essential Question

What should be included in the budget you create?


Researching average expenses based on the area of North Texas.


#61 - Bell Work

#62 - Budget & Financials

#61 Bell Work
#62 - Budget / Financials

Week 31: April 8 - 12 Click Here →


Monday, 28 August

Tuesday, 29 August

Wednesday, 30 August

Thursday, 31 August

Friday, 1 September

Quote of the Week

"A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week."

— George S. Patton

Weekly Agenda


We will evaluate the steps taken during our journey towards the next steps of our future.

I will create a presentation that will explicitly explain all the steps taken on my journey towards the next steps of my future. 

Essential Question

What are the details steps taken to achieve the goal of my next steps?


Various websites and articles


#63 - Bell Work

#64 - Next Steps Field Trip

#63 - Bell Work
#64 - Next Steps Field Trip

Week 32: April 15 - 19 Click Here →


Monday, 4 September

Tuesday, 5 September

Wednesday, 6 September

Thursday, 7 September

Friday, 8 September

Quote of the Week

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

— Matthew 6:34

Weekly Agenda


We will evaluate the steps taken during our journey towards the next steps of our future.

I will create a presentation that will explicitly explain all the steps taken on my journey towards the next steps of my future. 

Essential Question

What is the difference between listening to understand and listening to reply? 


Various research techniques


#65 - Bell Work

#66 - Speech Evaluations

#64 - Next Steps Field Trip
#65 Bell Work
#66 - Evaluations

Week 33: April 22 - 26 Click Here →

Daily Lessons

Monday, April 22

Tuesday, April 23

Wednesday, April 24

Thursday, April 25

Friday, April 26


(11) Inquiry and research: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student engages in both short-term and sustained recursive inquiry processes for a variety of purposes. The student is expected to:

(E) locate relevant sources;

(F) synthesize information from a variety of sources;

(G) examine sources for:

(i) credibility and bias, including omission; and

(ii) faulty reasoning such as incorrect premise, hasty generalizations, and either-or;

Quote of the Week

"Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters. "

— Abraham Lincoln

Weekly Agenda


We will discuss the election process and how to substantiate an argument. 

I will cast my vote for a presidential candidate and substantiate my vote with three well developed arguments.   

Essential Question

How do you substantiate an argument?  What is the difference between credible and not credible?   


Various websites and articles


#67 - Bell Work

#68 - Presidential Candidate Campaign Poster

#67 Bell Work
#68 - Presidential Candidate Campaign Poster

Week 34: April 29 - May 3 Click Here →


Monday, 18 September

Tuesday, 19 September

Wednesday, 20 September

Thursday, 21 September

Friday, 22 September

Quote of the Week

"The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me."

— Ayn Rand

Weekly Agenda


We will examine various pieces of literature that connects with our competitive spirit that lives insides each of us.  

I will analyze my personal qualities when it comes to overcoming adversity and connect these to a poem that will remind me to never give up.  

Essential Question

How can you give up on anything your sought out to accomplish?   


Poem - "Invictus" - William Ernest Henley

Poem - "If" - Rudyard Kipling

Poem - "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" - Dylan Thomas

Biblical Stories - Job, Joseph, Daniel, Ruth, and Esther

Or find your own!


#69 - Bell Work

#70 - Finding My Muse

#69 - Bell Work
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