English 2 - Quarter 1

Everyone has equity here. What you choose to do with the opportunities provided for you will be either a consequence or source. Remember, the choice is all yours!

Assignment Calendar

Week 1: August 5 - 9

Quote of the Week

"In this world you will have trouble, but take heart I have overcome the world."

— John 16:33

#1 E2 Bell Work: August 9 - 12
#29 - Screencast Website Scavenger Hunt
#3 - Foundations of Reading Pre-reading Strategies

Monday, August 5

Student Holiday

Tuesday, August 6

Student Holiday

Wednesday, August 7


What is the essential component of being successful in English 2?


We will discuss the requirements and expectations of assignment #2 - Website Scavenger Hunt. 


NO phones

3RP - Responsibility, Respectfulness, Reliability, and Plagiarizing

Screencastify and public speaking


22/23 Student Survey Results


23/24 Student Survey Results


I will discover all the necessities of the course website to ensure my success in English 2 for the year.

#1 - Bell Work

#2 - Scavenger Hunt

Thursday, August 8 - Friday, August 9


How does my reading purpose influence how I approach and understand a text?


We will discuss foundational reading comprehension skills in order to effectively read and analyze any text. 


Pre-reading strategies


"Harrison Bergeron" written by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.


I will in a series of paragraphs address the following topics prior to reading “Harrison Bergeron” written by Kurt Vonnegut Jr..

#1 - Bell Work

#3 - Foundations of Reading Pre-reading Strategies

Week 2: August 12 - 16

Quote of the Week

"I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money." 

— Thomas Sowell

#4 E2 Bell Work: August 15 - 19
#5 - Annotations, Note Taking, Comprehension, and Response
#6 - Reading Comprehension and Response

Monday, August 12 - Wednesday, August 14


What does it mean to "interact with a text"?


We will use metacognitive skills to both develop and deepen comprehension of increasingly complex texts. 


Annotating, asking questions, making connections, visualizing, predicting, summarizing, reflecting, analyzing, discussing, and writing


"Harrison Bergeron" written by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.


I will in a combination of annotations, notes, and graphic organizers address the following topics about Kurt Vonnegut Jr.’s short story “Harrison Bergerson” and be sure to record textual evidence for each topic as you read and analyze the text. 


#4 - Bell Work

#5 - Annotations & Note Taking Strategies 

Thursday, August 15 - Monday, August 19


Am I actually familiar with the topic or details presented in the text? 


We will develop an engaging idea reflecting depth of thought with specific details, examples, and commentary. 



Show do not Tell


"Harrison Bergeron" written by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.


I will use my notes and annotations from Kurt Vonnegut Jr.’s short story “Harrison Bergeron” to create a prompt analysis (bubble map, outline, etc. etc.) and compose an ATC response(s) that completely answers one of the following questions.

#4 - Bell Work

#6 - Reading Comprehension and Response

Week 3: August 19 - 23

Quote of the Week

“I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.” 

— Winston Churchill

#6 - Reading Comprehension and Response
#7 - Bell Work
#8 - Collaboration

Monday, August 19


Am I actually familiar with the topic or details presented in the text? 


We will develop an engaging idea reflecting depth of thought with specific details, examples, and commentary. 



Show do not Tell


"Harrison Bergeron" written by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.


I will use my notes and annotations from Kurt Vonnegut Jr.’s short story “Harrison Bergeron” to compose an ATC response completely answering all parts of one question from the task page. 

#7 - Bell Work

#6 - Reading Comprehension and Response

Tuesday, August 20 - Friday, August 23


How can discussing my ideas and thoughts with others enhance my understanding?


We will determine what successful collaboration looks like. 


Discussion / Writing Responses


"Harrison Bergeron" written by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.


I will collaborate with peers within your group to have a discussion about Kurt Vonnegut Jr. short story “Harrison Bergeron” using the questions as guides for your discussion.  This activity will actually be a discussion, not a you speak, then you, then you, etc. etc.  While using the questions as a guide, be sure to contribute your own thoughts, opinions, and challenges to the conversation.  The group discussion will be no longer than 15 minutes and all members must actively participate in the discussion to receive credit for the assignment.  

#7 - Bell Work

#8 - Collaboration

Week 4: August 26 - 30

Quote of the Week

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." 

— Psalm 90:12

#9 - Bell Work
#10 - Topic Selection & Brainstorming
BOY MAP Testing

Monday, August 26 - Friday, August 30


What is the purpose of research?  How can research confirm or change our current perspective?


We will explore a topic of academic or personal interest that you want to become more informed about by researching credible and reliable sources, producing an annotated bibliography that organizes your source material, and delivering a verbal presentation of your findings to your classmates. 



Researching credible and reliable sources


Topic list located on #10

Various readings from research


I will define your research question and topic, refine and narrow your research question, consider the differences between primary and secondary sources, propose your research topic, create a plan to research, conduct research on your topic, collect information from sources, and examine your chosen sources for reliability and credibility in a notes page. 

#9 - Bell Work

#10 - Topic Selection & Brainstorming

Thursday, August 29 - Friday, August 30


What strategies can be used to be successful on the MAP test?




Prompt/question analysis, process of elimination, 


Various readings


I will complete and attempt to achieve the highest score possible on the BOY MAP test.  

Week 5: September 2 - 5

#11 - Bell Work
#12 - Research &Annotated Bibliography
#9 - 12 - Reflection

Quote of the Week

“When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination."  

— Thomas Sowell

Monday, September 2

Student Holiday 

Tuesday, September 3 - Friday, September 6


How do I differentiate between useful, relevant information, and unhelpful information?


We will conduct research to identify, analyze, and evaluate at least four credible and reliable sources that will help students answer research questions in order to complete an annotated bibliography.  



MLA Formatting

Reliable / credible sources

Citation tool inside Google Docs


Self-Selected informational text based on research topic


I will identify, analyze, and evaluate four (4) credible and reliable sources that will effectively answer my research question. 

I will create an annotated bibliography using the four (4) credible and reliable sources.   

#11 - Bell Work

#12 - Research & Annotated Bibliography

#9-12 - Reflection

Week 6: September 9 - 13

Quote of the Week

“The autumn leaves blew over the moonlit pavement in such a way as to make the girl who was moving there seem fixed to a sliding walk, letting the motion of the wind and the leaves carry her forward."  

— Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

#13 - Bell Work
#14 - Personal Reflection on School Performance
#15 - Email Correspondence Pitch

Monday, September 9 - Wednesday, September 11


Why am I writing?  What is my purpose and topic? Who is my intended audience?


We will review the various requirements for a personal reflective essay.


Developing ideas




I will construct a personal reflective essay which honestly reflects on my strengths and weaknesses in my school performance in English 2.

#13 - Bell Work

#14 - Personal Reflection on School Performance

Thursday, September 12


How do I know when my writing is ready to publish?


We will review the foundations of a formal email correspondence.


Structure of formal emails




I will create a formal correspondence email to Mr. Matherne and CC my parents covering the information you completed in assignment #14.  

#13 - Bell Work

#15 - Email Correspondence Personal Reflection

Friday, September 13

Student Holiday

Week 7: September 16 - 20

Quote of the Week

“I never really had the classic struggle. I had faith."  

— Denzel Washington

#16 - Bell Work
#17 - Reading Comprehension of a literary / narrative nonfiction text

Monday, September 16 - Friday, September 20


What does it mean to “interact with a text”? 


We will read and analyze George Orwell's short story "A Hanging" for setting, plot elements, characterization, literary devices, theme, mood, tone, and voice.




George Orwell's short story "A Hanging"


I will annotate the text to identify and analyze the meaning of literary elements, literary devices, and the author's use of language.

#16 - Bell Work 

#17 - Reading Comprehension of a Literary / Narrative Nonfiction Text 

Week 8: September 23 - 27

Quote of the Week

“Why do people want those who break the most precious thing we have, our heart?"  

— Unknown

#18 - Bell Work
#19 - DMAC Testing Test Name: Matherne E2-Q1
#20 - Analytical Discussion Podcast

Monday, September 23 - Tuesday, September 24


What is the answer choice justification strategy? 


We will discuss the answer choice justification strategy. 


Answer choice justification strategy


George Orwell's short story "A Hanging"


I will complete the DMAC multiple choice question quiz to the best of my ability by justifying ever answer choice with brief explanations.  

#19 - DMAC Test Name: Matherne E2-Q1 

Wednesday, September 25 - Friday, September 27


How can specific annotations of text elements and features aid in the literary analysis process?


We will learn more about the meaning of the text and how the author use language to communicate that meaning.  


Move from annotations to analysis of textual evidence to understand meaning


George Orwell's short story "A Hanging"


I will actively engage in the discussion by sharing your ideas and questions about the text. Some of your comments may build on the ideas of others. Be sure to contribute relevant information and listen actively to establish meaningful and respectful discourse.

#18 - Bell Work 

#20 - Analytical Discussion Podcast with a partner

Week 9: September 30 - October 4

Quote of the Week

“The real freedom of any individual can always be measured by the amount of responsibility which he must assume for his own welfare and security."  

— Unknown

#20 - Analytical Discussion Podcast with a Partner
#21 - Bell Work
#21 - RTI Stations

Monday, September 30


How can specific annotations of text elements and features aid in the literary analysis process?


We will learn more about the meaning of the text and how the author use language to communicate that meaning.  


Move from annotations to analysis of textual evidence to understand meaning


George Orwell's short story "A Hanging"


I will actively engage in the discussion by sharing your ideas and questions about the text. Some of your comments may build on the ideas of others. Be sure to contribute relevant information and listen actively to establish meaningful and respectful discourse.

#21 - Bell Work 

#20 - Analytical Discussion Podcast with a partner

Tuesday, October 1 - Friday, October 4




We will 




George Orwell's short story "A Hanging"


I will

#21 - Bell Work 

#22 - RTI Stations

Enjoy the fall break!  

October 7 - 11