English 4 - Quarter 3

Everyone has equity here. What you choose to do with the opportunities provided for you will be either a consequence or source. Remember, the choice is all yours!

Assignment & Task Calendar

Week 27: March 4 - 8 Click Here →

Daily Lessons

Monday, March 4

Tuesday, March 5

Wednesday, March 6

Thursday, March 7

Friday, March 8


Quote of the Week

"You want to see the real person responsible for your failures and successes; look in the mirror. "

— Unknown

Weekly Agenda


We will review goals and expectations for assignment #56

I will complete all task for assignment #56.

Essential Question

What should I know to be successful in all things English 2. 


Information Station

Purdue Owl


#55 - Bell Work

#56 - Meaningful Mentor

#55 E4 Bell Work
#56 - Meaningful Mentor

Enjoy the Spring Break!  

March 11 - 15

Week 19: January 8 - 12 Click Here →

Daily Lessons

Monday, January 8

Tuesday, January 9

Wednesday, January 10

Thursday, January 11

Friday, January 12


Quote of the Week

"The beginning is always today."

— Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

Weekly Agenda


We will identify and analyze author's craft and genre characteristics in an argumentative text.

I will evaluate the effectiveness of the craft and genre characteristics used by the author in an argumentative text.  

Essential Question

What are commonly used genre characteristics of argumentative text?


"Are Cops Racist" by Thomas Sowell

"Artificial Stupidity" by Thomas Sowell

"The Fallacy of Fairness" by Thomas Sowell


#39 - Bell Work

#40 - Genre Characteristics Argumentative Essay

#39 E4 Bell Work: January 8 - 12
#40 - Genre Characteristics Argumentative Essay

Week 20: January 15 - 19 Click Here →

Daily Lessons

Monday, January 15

Tuesday, January 16

Wednesday, January 17

Thursday, January 18

Friday, January 19


Quote of the Week

"The measure of intelligence is the ability to change"

— Albert Einstein

Weekly Agenda


We will identify and analyze author's craft and genre characteristics in an argumentative text.

I will evaluate the effectiveness of the craft and genre characteristics used by the author in an argumentative text.  

Essential Question

What are commonly used genre characteristics of argumentative text?


"Are Cops Racist" by Thomas Sowell

"Artificial Stupidity" by Thomas Sowell

"The Fallacy of Fairness" by Thomas Sowell


#41 - Bell Work

#42 - Genre Characteristics of Argumentative Text

#41 E4 Bell Work
#42 - Genre Characteristics of Argumentative Text
#43 - Quiz: Genre Characteristics

Week 21: January 22 - 26 Click Here →

Daily Lessons

Monday, January 22

Tuesday, January 23

Wednesday, January 24

Thursday, January 25

Friday, January 26


Quote of the Week

"Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under thy observation in life."

— Marcus Aurelius

Weekly Agenda


We will review genre characteristics of argumentative writing in preparation to compose a piece.  

I will complete preliminary research in preparation of the composition of an argumentative essay using genre characteristics and craft covering a topic of my choice from the list. 

Essential Question

What are effective and ineffective characteristics to use in the genre of argumentative writing.  


"Gun Control Myths" by Thomas Sowell

"The Fallacy of Fairness" by Thomas Sowell

"Are Cops Racist" by Thomas Sowell


#44 - Bell Work 

#45 - Preliminary Research Argumentative Essay

#44 - Bell Work
#45 - Preliminary Research Argumentative Essay

Week 22: January 29 - February 2 Click Here →

Daily Lessons

Monday, January 29

Tuesday, January 30

Wednesday, January 31

Thursday, February 1

Friday, February 2


Quote of the Week

"If we knew what we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"

— Albert Einstein

Weekly Agenda


We will review the requirements for a correctly MLA formatted annotated bibliography

I will analyze the research from assignment #55 in order to complete all task on assignment #58 Annotated Bibliography. 

Essential Question

How does the research support or counter the ideas used in your main argument?


Various articles, essays, periodicals, websites, etc. etc. supporting and opposing your argument.  


#46 - Bell Work

#47 - Annotated Bibliography

Corrections #45

#46 E4 Bell Work
#47 - Annotated Bibliography
Corrections #45

Week 23: February  5- 9 Click Here →

Daily Lessons

Monday, February 5

Tuesday, February 6

Wednesday, February 7

Thursday, February 8

Friday, February 9


Quote of the Week

"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed."

— 2 Corinthians 4:8

Weekly Agenda


We will review introductions and conclusions strategies, requirements for each body paragraphs, and MLA requirements. 

I will compose an effective argumentative research essay containing all the requirements within the structured outline.  

Essential Question

What are the necessary requirements to effectively argue a point in an argumentative research essay?  


Various articles, essays, periodicals, websites, etc. etc. supporting and opposing your argument. 


#47 - Annotated Bibliography

#48 - Bell Work 

#49 - Argumentative Research Essay

#47 - Annotated Bibliography
#48 E4 Bell Work: Date ???
#49 - Argumentative Research Essay

Week 24: February 12 - 16 Click Here →

Daily Lessons

Monday, February 12

Tuesday, February 13

Wednesday, February 14

Thursday, February 15

Friday, February 16


Quote of the Week

"The purpose of life, as far as I can tell… is to find a mode of being that’s so meaningful that the fact that life is suffering is no longer relevant."

— Jordan Peterson - Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief

Weekly Agenda


We will review the characteristics of argumentative text and writing strategies used to improve an essay.   

I will compose an argumentative research essay by following the outline and plan. 

Essential Question

How will you utilize evidence, rhetorical devices, logical fallacies, and counter-arguments to persuade readers?

What does "ethical use of source material" mean?

Why and how should I document my sources?


Various articles, essays, periodicals, websites, etc. etc. supporting and opposing your argument.


#49 - Composing an Argumentative Research Essay

#50 - Bell Work

#51 - Quiz: Genre Characteristics Argumentative Text

#49 - Argumentative Research Essay
#50 Bell Work
#51 - Quiz: Genre Characteristics Argumentative Text

Week 25: February 19 - 23 Click Here →

Daily Lessons

Monday, February 19

Tuesday, February 20

Wednesday, February 21

Thursday, February 22

Friday, February 23


Quote of the Week

"When you have something to say, silence is a lie."

— Jordan B. Peterson, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos

Weekly Agenda


We will review the characteristics of argumentative text and writing strategies used to improve an essay.   

I will compose an argumentative research essay by following the outline and plan. 

Essential Question

How will you utilize evidence, rhetorical devices, logical fallacies, and counter-arguments to persuade readers?

What does "ethical use of source material" mean?

Why and how should I document my sources?


Various articles, essays, periodicals, websites, etc. etc. supporting and opposing your argument.


#49 - Argumentative Research Essay

#52 - Bell Work

#49 - Argumentative Research Essay
#52 Bell Work

Week 26: February 26 - March 1 Click Here →

Daily Lessons

Monday, February 26

Tuesday, February 27

Wednesday, February 28

Thursday, February 29

Friday, March 1


Quote of the Week

"“A man who has committed a mistake and doesn’t correct it is committing another mistake.” 

— Confucius Kongzi

Weekly Agenda


We will read/view and analyze a self-selected song and poem that has a thematic connection. 

I will compare and contrast in video format the song and the poem that has a thematic connection. 

Essential Question

How does my understanding about a text change as I continue to interact with it? 


Various song lyrics


#53 - Bell Work

#54 - Music & Poetry Connections

#53 Bell Work
#54 - Music & Poetry Connections