Senior Project Paper Requirements
These are the official requirements associated with the Senior Project paper. Keep this sheet handy at all times while writing your paper. Prior to handing in your first or final draft, ensure all requirements listed below have been met.
I. Length of Paper/Paper Value
8-11 pages, 35 points
II. Format of Paper
12-point font only
Times New-Roman font only
Paper is double-spaced
Must contain student’s information at the top left-hand corner on the first sheet (name, Senior Project Paper, first or final draft, due date of paper)
Student’s last name and page number are inserted as a header in the top right-hand corner beginning on the first page
Margins are to be the default settings only, whether in Word or Google Docs. Do not alter the margins to make wider or narrower
Stapled at the top left-hand corner
There is not to be a cover page nor is the paper to be placed in a plastic folder
III. Content of Paper
Is to be an argument paper; no “history of…” content
Is titled based on the paper’s content
Must contain researched evidence that supports the claim made in the thesis statement
Must distinguish your claim from alternate or opposing claims
Must contain an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion
Must follow MLA format
Must have in-text citations, properly formatted
Must contain a works cited page
IV. Specific Senior Project Requirements
Paper must be collegiate level
Paper must contain a minimum of 10 sources
One of the sources must be a primary source, which is an interview with an expert in the area addressed in the research paper. His/her comments are included in the body of the paper through the use of quotation marks
Works used in the paper must display a mix of sources, including online databases, scholarly/peer-reviewed journals, credible magazines and newspapers, books, and films of an erudite nature (i.e.: documentaries)