The Project

Facility Usage


Senior Project is a wonderful opportunity to raise money for charities. Any money that is raised must be held by an SP teacher who will submit it into the proper school-sanctioned accounts. However, it remains appropriate for the SP student to keep track of monies raised. The SP teacher will request that a check be written to the intended charity from the money raised by the SP student. Students should not hold onto fundraising money and should not put the money into their own personal account. All fundraising money must be funneled through WVHS.

Mentor Requirements

How to Find a Mentor

First, decide on your project. Then, try some of the following methods in order to find a mentor:

If you ask a person to be your mentor and they say no, thank the person anyway and then say, “Can you refer me to someone else?”

Questions to ask when you first meet your mentor

Be sure to develop a schedule for meeting, exchange contact information (email addresses, phone numbers) and discuss the best way to reach one another.

You and your mentor should talk about your expectations of one another: what level of responsibility they are expecting from you and the level of support you are expecting from them.