The Paper

Helpful links 

MLA Guidelines:

For documenting sources, taking notes and outlining your paper:

For submitting your research paper:

Essay Outline Template

Essay Outline Template

To begin:
Thesis Statement: Above Roman numeral I, specifically state your thesis. Then begin your outline based upon the structure below.

I. Introduction

II. Body Paragraphs: The Subtopics That Support Your Thesis

     Remember: Only one topic is discussed within a single paragraph.

Key points about the body paragraphs section:

III. Conclusion

First, put as much time into the conclusion paragraph as you did in the introduction and body paragraphs.

Your conclusion is your chance to have the last word on your Senior Project paper subject. The conclusion allows you to have the final say on the issues you have raised in your paper, to summarize your thoughts, to demonstrate the importance of your ideas, and to propel your reader to a new view of the subject. It is also your opportunity to make a good final impression and to end on a positive note. The conclusion pushes beyond the boundaries of the thesis and allows you to consider broader issues, make new connections, and elaborate on the significance of your findings. Your conclusion gives your reader something to take away that will help them see things differently, appreciate your topic in personally relevant way, and can suggest broader implications that will not only interest your reader but also enrich your reader’s life in some way.

Here are some techniques to help you write the conclusion portion of your outline:

Avoid these conclusion pitfalls:

By following the techniques above, the writing of the conclusion paragraph for the paper should be a breeze!

(Additional sources used: Capitol Community College Foundation, St. Helen’s K-12 School District, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Writing Center.)

Phase 1 Outlining

Senior Project’s Research Paper Phase 1: Outlining

(Sources: The Owl at Purdue University and Writer’s, Inc.)

Outlining: Why Outline?

Outlining: How to Create an Outline

Outlining: Types of Outlines…There are three types to consider:

Outlining: Alphanumeric

The alphanumeric format of outlining is the most recognizable and follows a very specific structure:

Again, this is the only format accepted by Senior Project.

Outlining: Dividing the Information

Each of the segments of the alphanumeric mode of outlining has a specific purpose:

Outlining: Structure

The structure of an outline is based upon a downward slant or slash as follows:

(The line is for illustrative purposes only – don’t draw it!)


Ok, let’s look at the example that is provided to you for better understanding.

Bibliography: For the bibliography, use

Four Main Components for Effective Outlines

Summary: This resource describes why outlines are useful, what types of outlines exist, suggestions for developing effective outlines, and how outlines can be used as an invention strategy for writing. Ideally, you should follow these four suggestions to create an effective outline.
Four Main Components for Effective Outlines by the OWL at Purdue:

Purdue OWL Sample Outlines

The Purdue OWL: Sample Outlines

Alphanumeric Outline

________________The College Application Process

I. Choose Desired Colleges
__A. Visit and evaluate college campuses
__B. Visit and evaluate college websites
____1. Look for interesting classes
____2. Note important statistics
II. Prepare Application
__A. Write personal statement
____1. Choose interesting topic
______a. Describe an influential person in your life
_________(1) Favorite high school teacher
_________(2) Grandparent
______b. Describe a challenging life event
____2. Include important personal details
______a. Volunteer work
______b. Participation in varsity sports
__B. Revise personal statement
III. Compile Résumé
__A. List relevant coursework
__B. List work experience
__C. List volunteer experience
____1. Tutor at foreign language summer camp
____2. Counselor for suicide prevention hotline

Full Sentence Outline

__I.__Man-made pollution is the primary cause of global warming.
_____A.__Greenhouse gas emissions are widely identified by the scientific
________community to be harmful.
__________1.__The burning of coal and fossil fuels are the primary
_____________releasers of hazardous greenhouse gases.

Full sentence outlines are often accompanied with an APA reference list
on a separate page. Quotes within the outline must also utilize APA in-text citations.

Decimal Outline

__1.0_Choose Desired College
_____1.1_Visit and evaluate college campuses
_____1.2_Visit and evaluate college websites
________1.2.1_Look for interesting classes
________1.2.2_Note important statistics


The outline provides a skeleton of basic ideas upon which the writer adds flesh. The careful listing of subtopics under main topic headings focuses the writer’s attention and identifies any areas which need more development.

There are two types of outlines – topic and sentence. The first type, which consists of phrases, requires fewer words and is easier to construct. The second type is constructed out of whole sentences which can be lifted in their entirety and placed in the body of the essay. Either style has its merits.

The Sentence Outline

The sentence outline contains not only the major points to be covered, but also lists many of the important supporting details as well. It is used for longer, more formal writing assignments; each point should, therefore, be written as a complete sentence. The sentence outline is especially useful when you find yourself asking others for help with your composition. It will be much easier for them to understand an outline written in complete sentences than one written using single words and phrases. (See sample essay.)

Senior Project Final Paper Rubric

Paper Dimension: Development of Argument and Perspective
– Thesis is supported by research from multiple sources
– Includes different perspectives

EXCEPTIONAL – 35-32 (A’s):

COMMENDABLE – 31-28 (B’s)

COMPETENT – 27-25 (C’s)

PASSING – 24, 23 (D’s)

UNACCEPTABLE – 22 and below (F’s)

Paper Dimension: Language Usage and Grammar
– Author has a unique voice
– Engaging, compelling, convincing
Use of diction, detail, sentence structure, tone, etc.

EXCEPTIONAL – 35-32 (A’s):

COMMENDABLE – 31-28 (B’s)

COMPETENT – 27-25 (C’s)

PASSING – 24, 23 (D’s)

UNACCEPTABLE – 22 and below (F’s)

Paper Dimension: Organization and Flow

EXCEPTIONAL – 35-32 (A’s):

COMMENDABLE – 31-28 (B’s)

COMPETENT – 27-25 (C’s)

PASSING – 24, 23 (D’s)

UNACCEPTABLE – 22 and below (F’s)

Paper Dimension: Format Requirements
– MLA format
– 7-10 pages in length

EXCEPTIONAL – 35-32 (A’s):

COMMENDABLE – 31-28 (B’s)

COMPETENT – 27-25 (C’s)

PASSING – 24, 23 (D’s)

UNACCEPTABLE – 22 and below (F’s)